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The Band

Somewhere on a fancy party
Someone's kickin' ass
Sniffin' lots of funny powders
leavin' quite a mess
Meanwhile, meanwhile the band plays rock 'n' roll

There's a way out of this time
For just the two of us in love
Your hands in my hands
We can reach the entrance

Somewhere on a lonely highway
Someone drives a car
Tries to flee his ol' life
Will not get him far

Somewhere in the heart of nature
Someone's pumpin' oil
Poisoning the water
Poisoning the soil

Somewhere in a foreign country
Someone takes a gun
Points it right against his brother
That's what ends all fun

Somewhere at an ivorytower
Someone writes a song
Putting in some real emotions
Make the words come strong

2003 Mario Strack

     © universal arts - Nutzung bzw. Verbreitung nur im Rahmen unseres Lizenzmodells

     Mario Strack    Multimedia 3    Song bestellen   CD-Album "The Songs 2" bestellen