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The Hole

Who are these forces
That constantly
Shield you from perception

How can it be
That they prevent you
From cognition so far

What is this vigour
That silently
Holds you in confinement

How does it isolate
Your Brains like
Inside a (Mason) canning jar

Borders and boundaries
Barriers and walls
Restricting the view
Just as long as you
Can't find yourself
A hole to look through

Dullness and ignorance
Prejudice and pride
Constraining the mind
Just as long as you
Lack sustenance
Of the spiritual kind

Are you the victim
And if so,
Who are the perpetrators

If not yourself
who then will jugde them
To satisfy the law

Is it good thinking
Or do you suffer
Mental derangement

How can one
Separate enlightenment
From just burning straw

2019 Mario Strack

     © universal arts - Nutzung bzw. Verbreitung nur im Rahmen unseres Lizenzmodells

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